What is the R&D Tax Incentive benefit? See below which category you fit in. It can be as much as 43.5% of R&D spend refunded in cash.

Small to medium companies

Under $20m in aggregated turnover for the income year?

Access 43.5% of your tax loss, from the R&D spend


$100k would provide $43.5k cash back

If no tax loss, 18.5% benefit from the R&D spend


$100k would provide a $18.5k benefit 

Large companies

Over $20m in aggregated turnover for the income year?

Under $50m in revenue, access a baseline 11% benefit of R&D Spend


$1m would provide $110k benefit

On top of the baseline benefit, large companies can access 16.5 percentage points above the claimant’s company tax rate for R&D expenditure above 2 percent R&D intensity. More on this here.

Over $50m in revenue, access a baseline 8.5% benefit of R&D Spend


$1m would provide $85k benefit